Friday, July 17, 2009

New York ice cream truck

had to chase this truck around town...this is the old style truck with the 'face'. all the newer ones are square all around. this one brings back a little nostalgia.

Hoboken NJ ...lackawanna clock tower

this building is in Hoboken NJ. i was just riding the motorcycle to the holland tunnel and decided to see how hoboken is coming along in it's gentrification. still a lot of old structures around. and this caught my eye.

Monday, July 6, 2009

art on site (urban sketching)

well i got bit by the bug. the urban sketchers bug. and it feels great. i drive a bus in nyc and always liked to draw, but then i discovered this the urbansketchers site and have decided to do it as a form of therapy and to get my drawing 'chops' up. so here is my first sketch for the site.
this is the tower of st. micheals church on amsterdam avenue in NY NY. i did this on july 5 about an hour before work. as i said i'm going to use this as a therapy against the stress of driving a bus in NYC. so i will try to make time to do sketches before work when i can.